Nakiya Gorham Communication Portfolio

A four-to-six-page essay that describes, contextualizes and connects the works submitted. The essay should (a) introduce yourself, (b) explain why you’ve chosen the selected works, make a case for their significance, and explain how they represent your intellectual or professional goals; and (c) show how one or both of the works relate to your professional or future ambition(s). Be sure to include a title page and table of contents at the beginning of the portfolio.

A writing sample relevant to the Communication field that demonstrates advanced research and critical analysis of a media text or a communication practice.

A work of “media” (e.g., web page, film/video, script, publication, etc.) that demonstrates technical proficiency, mastery of aesthetic principles, and creativity.

Who Am I?

Hello there, I'm Kiya, a storyteller at heart. I have a knack for crafting narratives that not only captivate but also inspire. With a blend of creativity and a touch of flair, I bring stories to life in ways that truly connect with audiences. Welcome to my portfolio!